HD X-Rays for Upper Cervical and Full Spine Analysis
The Upper Cervical analysis we use is the most advanced in the profession. We use the best Digital X-Ray system available. Then we take the Blair x-ray, cervical series, which includes a Lateral, APOM (Anterior to Posterior Open Mouth), BP (Base Posterior) and Right & Left Protracto (specific specialty images) views. The analysis of the x-rays includes the vector, slope and convergence angles of the top bones in the neck and how they articulate with each other around the brainstem, which gives us a 3D perspective of the anatomy so we can give you the most precise adjustment possible, allowing us to adjust with less force and a greater accuracy so your body can heal and recover faster. We also take a unique approach to the analysis by using both articular and orthogonal analysis (this is very rare in the upper cervical profession and non-existent in the regular chiropractic profession), this approach encompasses all of the upper cervical techniques analysis protocols, to make sure you are getting the most accurate listings (position of your bones) so that you can get the best adjustments possible.




We also take FULL SPINE weight bearing, opposing view, x-rays so that we can see how the whole spine is affected by the upper cervical subluxation, which occurs at C1 & C2, any misalignments from C3 to the Sacrum/Coccyx will be analyzed with the same articular approach and those are called spinal misalignments. Upper cervical subluxations are adjusted and spinal misalignments are corrected in a specific order, which is determined by the x-rays and pattern analysis, this allows the body to heal at its best, making sure your spine stabilizes as quick as possible to allow “holding” of the spinal bones in their correct position, which is the only way they will heal. This is the difference between corrective care and relief care. Corrective care knows the exactly what’s wrong in the spine, specifically where it is wrong, exactly how to fix it and in what order it needs to be fixed, so your body can heal properly. Relief care finds what’s wrong, generally where its wrong, general manipulation to possibly free it up to give you temporary relief.