Pediatric Chiropractic

Chiropractic is for children too! The most critical time in your child’s life is between birth and 12. We know their brains are not fully developed at birth and grow on a specific trajectory. This time in their life is when they have the most neurological development for their vital function, such as their social, learning, and behavioral cues. Their neurological foundation is being laid; therefore, they must have no blockage or interference in their body that would impede your child’s normal growth and brain development. Interference can stem from a neurostructural shift due to physical, chemical, or emotional stress. A Neuro-structural shift happens when the brain and body cannot adapt due to a consistent state of stress. If these stressors continue, their body’s immunity weakens because inflammation increases.

Forms Of Stressors


  • Increased screen time
  • Birth trauma
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Falls and accidents
  • Sports
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Indigestion or Digestive problems


  • Medications
  • Poor diet
  • Substances
  • Toxins from the environment
  • Chemicals from processed foods
  • Detergents
  • Disinfectants
  • Cleaning products
  • Pesticides and herbicides


  • Death of a loved one
  • Academic pressures
  • Bullying
  • Abuse
  • Social pressures
  • Parents’ separation or divorce
  • Neglect
  • Starting a new school
  • Moving to a new neighborhood
  • Making new friends
  • Anxiety
  • Mental health

When these stressors show up in our lives, and some abruptly, our bodies take a toll, especially if the stressor persists for more than a couple of days. The body goes into overdrive and cannot withstand long-term stressors without something shifting in our body. What happens then is some illness or deflective behavior surfaces. Not only does the individual suffer, but also his/her family.

As neuro-based chiropractors, we care for our next generation with love and compassion. We learn the WHY and when the stressor(s) began. Therefore, we start with objective assessments, which include a brain-based evaluation, a spinal exam, Right Eye testing, primitive reflexes, gross and fine motor exam, auditory and verbal ability, cognitive function, and X-rays if needed. We are explicitly looking for Neuro-Structural shifts or brain deflection. We aim to support your child with optimal neurological function and a healthy spine too!

Once we have gathered all the information from the objective exams and pinpointed the source of the neuro-structural shift, we tailor a care plan for your child. Our corrective care uses specific and gentle adjustments using adjusting tools when necessary. Our recommendation may include integrating exercises for retained primitive reflexes, neuro-based exercises, and right now strategies to aid your child’s ability to adapt to stressors.

Within a short period, your child’s nervous system begins to better adapt to his/her environment.

Schedule your free 15-minute consultation with one of our doctors.