Measurable and Objective Results

feel and See the difference

Measurable Results

Our integrative approach to chiropractic care combines modern medical diagnostics combined with state-of-the-art, tried-and-true chiropractic techniques.

How will you know if you are improving without measurable results? I don’t know either! That is why we do a multitude of measurable tests to monitor your care and your results. That way you can feel the improvements and also see the improvements for yourself. Improvement is tracked by measurable test that are completed periodically or a daily basis.

Periodical tests

Case History (Subjective)

which covers your chief complaint and all other musculoskeletal complaints with a 1-10 scale (10 meaning the worse and 1 meaning the least), next is systems (eyes, ears, throat/thyroid, heart/lungs, digestion, reproductive), then history and current state of surgeries, traumas and emotion. These are mainly subjective and are performed on day one and reviewed at the time of the x-ray review, at that time we ask the same questions and give them the current value to show what improvements, from the patient’s perspective, are getting better, the same or worse.

Physical Exam (Objective)

  1. Dual Scale Balance test
  2. Range of Motion (ROM) test with Tytron glasses (this measures flexion/extension, rotation and tilt)
  3. Vitals, Blood Pressure (BP), Pulse Rate, O2 levels, etc…
  4. Bi-lateral Grip Strength test

These Physical exams are performed on day one and on re-exam days (this varies from patient to patient depending on their individual needs), the results are reported to you on your following visit.

Right Eye Exam (Objective)

This is performed as determined by the doctor on day one and usually during re-exam days or TBD by the doctor according to individual needs of the patient. This test is done at a sitting station and you interact with a state-of-the-art AI computer that will evaluate your neurological eye exam and create a report for the doctor to go over with you. The test preformed are Pursuits, Saccades, Fixation, Eye-Hand Reaction Time and Discrimination. Click here to learn more about Right Eye.

X-Rays (Objective)

This is performed as determined by the doctor on day one and usually during re-exam days or TBD by the doctor according to individual patient needs. We use the best Digital X-Ray system available. Then we take the Blair x-ray, cervical series, which includes a Lateral, APOM (Anterior to Posterior Open Mouth), BP (Base Posterior) and Right & Left Protracto (specific specialty images) views. Click here to learn more about X-Rays.

Daily Visit Exams

Thermography Exam

We use the Tytron 5000 Thermography device to scan the spine for subluxation or pinched nerves that create hot spots from one side of the spine to the other. It is a simple and painless test that can give accurate information immediately if a patient needs and adjustment or correction at that visit. We will perform this on day one and every visit after that to establish your neurological pattern so we will know when and when not to adjust you.

Spinal Exam – (13 Point Objective Exam)

  1. Structural Leg Checks (Prone, RCS, LCS, Pelvic)
  2. Muscle testing (Vertical, Rotation, Medial, Lateral)
  3. Motion and Static Palpation of the Full Spine and Extremities (if needed)

These Spinal exams are performed on day one to determine if x-rays are needed and every regular visit, to know when to adjust and in what order to adjust, it also establishes your neurological pattern so we will know when and when not to adjust you. Remember, how and where to adjust are dependent on the x-rays.