Meet Our Team

Dr. Jonathan Becerra

Hello, my name is Dr. Jonathan Becerra and I’m from Puerto Rico. Currently a father of a beautiful baby girl called Amara Isabelle and I’m in deep in love with the mother of my child, my wife.  I moved to South Carolina to pursue a career in chiropractic care, and today I’m working as a Doctor of Chiropractic to be able to change people’s lives, and to be able to help them as this amazing profession has helped me. 

Little story of mine, I was suffering with constant headaches day and night for months, then I sought out chiropractic care and that moment changed my life; that’s the reason that, today, I’m a Doctor of Chiropractic: to be able to change people’s lives, that’s my mission in life. 

Facts about me, likes to go to the movies, go out with my family, I love Disney and I love to help others.

Dr. Jonathan Becerra smiling profile