Infants and babies

We know your baby is most precious to you. We honor you and your baby at Upper Cervical Chiropractic. Babies go through powerful and important changes in their first year of life. We know that you are monitoring their development very closely so they can meet their milestones. We do that too.


As you were carrying baby in your belly, you did your very best to protect yourself and your baby from stress; physical, chemical, or emotional. We know that stress is everywhere, and it becomes detrimental to our survival when we can no longer adapt to our environment.


Our Neuro-based Chiropractors are trained to assess neurostructural shifts and bones that may have misaligned or shifted out of place. A Neuro-structural shift happens when the brain and body cannot adapt due to a consistent state of stress, be it physical, chemical, or emotional. When the messages from our brain to our spinal cord and body are disrupted and alter the nervous system, it potentially leads to losing vital connectivity between the brain and the body. When this happens and goes undetected or left uncorrected, their little brains and bodies become overwhelmed with these messages, and repetitive stress that turns into a neurostructural shift or subluxation can become stuck and cause the brain to malfunction. In other words, the trajectory of their developing brain shifts to an alternate course. You and we need this to stay on track while their brain develops.

We use the most gentle, safest, non-invasive chiropractic techniques for infants and babies to assess their spine, cranium, and pelvis.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Your Baby

  • Better sleep
  • Brain development
  • Stronger immune system
  • Improved emotional stability
  • Improved nervous system
  • Improved birth recovery
  • Recovery from birth trauma and C-section
  • Improved behavior and focus
  • Promotes healthy development
  • Overall wellbeing

Places where stress can come from

  • Colic
  • Reflux
  • Fussiness
  • Teething
  • Torticolis
  • Constipation
  • Plagiocephaly
  • Ear Infections
  • Nursing challenges
  • Digestion problems
  • Delayed development
  • Parental stress
  • Recurring sickness
  • Emotional and Sensory overload
  • Birth Process

As neuro-based chiropractors, we care for our next generation with love, compassion, gentle, and specific corrections.

Best Chiropractor Spartanburg SC

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We would love to connect with you. Talking with one of our doctors give you the opportunity to ask questions and voice concerns. We connect with you to know your motivation for seeking chiropractic care and if we are the right fit for you. If we are not the right fit, we will help you know who or what it is you need.